Saturday, April 25, 2015

Fueled Desire ~ Book 3 of the Southern Roots Series

For those that read the first book from the Southern Roots Series where you first met Abby, well this book is where you learn more about her back story and you actually really feel for her.  Abby decides to go to Scotland, India and then Australia to find herself as a person and to see what she really wants out of life.  On her way to Scotland, she meets Clive who has the seat next to her in first class.  Clive is a funny yet dirty mind kind of guy that makes Abby really laugh for the first time I think.  During her time in Scotland they get to know each other and develop feelings.  She then leaves to go to India where she discovers some terrible news and has to immediately go back to Texas.  Will Abby and Clive last or was it just a fling during her time there?  Can Abby deal with what happened in Texas or will it cause her to go back to her old ways so she doesn't have to deal with feelings?  Find out in this third story, Fueled Desire, now!  After reading this, Abby has become one of my favorites. 

A chance encounter around the world led her to him…  Abby Masters knew it was time to move on and start her life on her own. No one was in her way, no one could stop her. Leaving her past behind was the best way to move forward.  Deciding to travel around the world, the intent was to clear her mind, to find herself and to start over. What she didn’t expect, what she didn’t see coming, was Clive.

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