Sunday, December 6, 2020

a beautiful broken life Blitz

a beautiful broken life
Zoey Zane
Publication date: December 3rd 2020
Genres: Poetry, Romance

some of the best and worst things come in pairs
and two has always been my favorite number

they tried to break me
the two of them

if this was black and white
there’d be a clear winner

but it’s not
and there isn’t

there is only my story
muddled with color

Goodreads / Amazon


it was over

no sooner than it started

you broke my heart

and still

i found a way

to hear the beats.

– recovery

Author Bio:

Zoey Zane is a thirty-something author and poet; and, she has been a zealous reader for most of her life. She has a love for dark romance and thrillers, two genres that dominate most of the space on her bookshelves. a beautiful broken life is her first poetry collection. Zoey lives in Tennessee with her husband, their son, and their adorable pit-bull mix.

For Zoey, writing has never been optional; like eating and breathing are essential to living. She has always wanted to write poetry, has a love for creative writing, will never finish her TBR, collects bookmarks, and truly believes all people should use the Oxford comma. If you can figure out how Zoey Zane (very) loosely relates to her real name, she'll give you a cookie. Oh, and a signed paperback of her book.

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