Friday, November 13, 2020

Secrets Blitz

Jessica Frances
(In Midsummer, #4)
Publication date: November 6th 2020
Genres: Adult, LGBTQ+, Romance, Suspense

One storm. One Santa Claus. One stalker. One secret. One surprise. One question. One answer.

Christmas is meant to be a jolly time of year, right? So, why is everyone acting like the plague is around the corner? Every year, I’m always the grumpy guy. Yet, this year, I might as well be sunshine personified.
Conner is definitely hiding something from me, River is unusually moody, and the townspeople have clearly lost their minds. Unfortunately, I can’t arrest everyone in my life and demand they explain themselves … can I?
Since my relationship with Conner is becoming more vital to me than ever, I need to find out what has everyone acting so strange. This Christmas will be the first for Conner and me together. I need to make it special. That means I have to ensure nothing can come between us. Not a Hollywood hunk, not a creepy stalker, and definitely not a snowstorm.
So, will we make it through our first Christmas together? Or will this end up being the worst day of the year?

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I pull up to the unmanned front gate and park, since the boom gate won’t open without power. Then I exit my vehicle, check to make sure my weapon is secure at my side, and make my way toward the front entrance.

“This is Sheriff Green! Anyone here?” I shout, receiving no response.

I tread carefully, not wanting a broken ankle on this icy ground, and head to the front door. I try the handle and find it’s locked. Then I move to the first window and take a peek inside, but it’s too dark to see anyone. I consider radioing Abby, but I don’t want to distract her or give her presence away in case she’s still in pursuit.

When I then round the building, I see what looks like blood spilled along the icy ground.

“What the …?” I crouch down to it. It’s either real blood or fake from a movie set. Then again, they’re not filming here right now; Prince confirmed that.

I get back to my feet and keep alert as I continue to move around the house, trying windows and doors as I come across them. Everything is locked up, and nothing looks disturbed. But where is everyone? Where are the guards? Where are my deputies?

I freeze as I make out sounds close by. I then continue moving and find they’re growing louder. I can’t hear the words being said, but the panic is obvious.

I draw my weapon, unsure what I’ll find as I move around to the back part of the building and take a quick peek around the corner.

Author Bio:

Jessica lives in Adelaide, South Australia. When she is not writing, you can find her reading, napping or watching excessive amounts of TV. Connect with her on Facebook and Goodreads.

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