Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Watch Them Blitz

Watch Them
M Blackburne
Publication date: April 15th 2019
Genres: Erotica, Romance
Olivia has now met the attractive couple who has been virtually teasing her, and they want more of her. Now she has to figure out if she does too, and who exactly she is getting into bed with.

I feel my neck bend forward and my eyes open to Hannah looking me in the face. I feel a cold towel on the back of my neck. There are noises in the background: dogs whimpering, dishes clanking, and maybe doors opening and closing.
“You took a slight spill there, Olivia. Are you okay?” Hannah whispers so close to my face that I can feel her breath on my eyelashes.
“Yeah, I think so. Just lightheaded,” I say as I reach out for something, anything. It ends up being Hannah’s hand just as she turns her head over her right shoulder.
“Charlie, please hurry up with that glass of water!” Even when Hannah is shouting, it sounds like it’s in the cadence of some kind of symphony.
Pulling her attention back to me, I push out, “Did I… did I fall?”
Taking her free hand to cradle my cheek, she murmurs, “No, baby. Charlie caught you before you hit the floor. You’ve only been out for a minute or so.”
As if on cue, Charlie comes into my view with a tall glass of water filled mostly with ice. “We’re so sorry. We didn’t mean to startle you. Please, drink.” Upon seeing my shaking hand picking up the glass, Hannah helps me bring the cup up to my lips. As I start to sip on what feels like the best water I’ve ever had in my life, Charlie begins stroking the back of my hair. I can’t help but let out a purr.
“Honey, do you want to go to see a doctor or do you think you’re okay?” sings Hannah.
It’s a funny feeling, being steady while there’s no ground underneath you. In this moment, I can see both Charlie and Hannah in front of me and a pulsing rushes up my core. I say what I think might be a lie to my emotions but true of my physical wellbeing: “I’m okay.”
“Fantastic, baby. I’m going to order us all dinner.” Charlies says and leaves just as abruptly as he came in.
“Olivia, do you want to lie down? Or maybe wash up? I can help you up the stairs if you like.” And just like that Hannah and I are climbing those stairs together but this time I look away from the pictures. I’m not sure why, but looking at the happy couple is something I don’t want to imagine right now. All I want is to feel their touch on me and what that would feel like, what does that look like going forward? Where will I fit in with this picture-perfect duo?
Once we’re in their bedroom, I motion to the bed and Hannah tucks me in. “I’ll wake you when dinner is ready, my love.” As she brushes the hair out my face and walks away, I watch her hips sway in pure harmony together. I’ve been so scared of something in my life I have wanted so badly. I close my eyes to try to calm my nerves. I need to rest for whatever the night will bring.

Author Bio:
M Blackburne is a Midwestern writer now living in New York City.



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